Crysis' visual splendour is no longer anything special. That's the main difference between now and then. Not bad when you consider almost every big-budget game released nowadays possesses a similar capability at some point during the proceedings, and even smaller ones like Firewatch can still make you gawp at their gorgeously designed environments. In fact, its sun-soaked beaches and verdant rainforests still have the capacity to make you stop your forward march purely for the purpose of admiring the view. But otherwise, Crysis holds up on a visual level perfectly well. Sure, distant objects and landscapes look a little fuzzy, as do rock and foliage textures if you zoom in on them really closely. Cringe! Oh god, the cringe! Would I feel similarly shocked and embarrassed by how Crysis, once the cutting edge of graphics technology, looks today?
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As I launched Crysis and the title credits played, all I could think of was this infamous cover of Next Generation magazine, featuring an image of Unreal and the headline “Yes, this is an actual PC Game screenshot.” Cringe. That was then, and it was a long time ago, while the human mind has an annoying tendency to disregard the passage of time. The golden sunrise of that first level, the way the sunlight dappled through its stunning jungle foliage, how darned convincing those Korean soldiers' faces looked when you sneaked up behind them and grabbed them around the throat. I remember marvelling at how it looked when it initially released, even as it staggered along at 15fps on my clearly unfit-for-purpose PC. I must admit, a part of me was anxious when, a couple of days ago, I relaunched Crysis for the first time in years. You may well be able run Crysis ten years down the line, but is there any reason why you would want to? But now that time has finally banished that tiresome meme to the realm of irrelevance, a far more interesting question is raised in its place.

A decade on since its release, it's probably safe to say that, yes, your PC can run Crysis.